< Master index Index for ./sfa_tk/sfa >

Index for ./sfa_tk/sfa

Matlab files in this directory:

 etaETA Computes the eta value of a signal.
 expansionEXPANSION Expand a signal in the space of polynomials of degree 2.
 letaLETA Compute the eta values of long data signals.
 sfa1SFA1 Linear Slow Feature Analysis.
 sfa1_createSFA1_CREATE Create a linear SFA object.
 sfa1_stepSFA1_STEP a step in the SFA1 algorithm.
 sfa2SFA2 Expanded Slow Feature Analysis.
 sfa2_createSFA2_CREATE Create an expanded SFA object.
 sfa2_stepSFA2_STEP a step in the SFA2 algorithm.
 sfa_clearSFA_CLEAR Clear a SFA object.
 sfa_clearallSFA_CLEARALL Clear all SFA objects.
 sfa_executeSFA_EXECUTE Apply the learned functions to input data.
 sfa_getHfSFA_GETHF Return a SFA function as a quadratic form.
 sfa_loadSFA_LOAD Load a SFA object.
 sfa_saveSFA_SAVE Save a SFA object.
 sfa_stepSFA_STEP Update a step of the SFA algorithm.
 timediffTIMEDIFF Compute the derivative of a signal
 xp_dimXP_DIM Compute the dimension of a vector expanded in the space of

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